Fall 2022 (08/25/2022 - 12/21/2022)
The semester has 15 class meetings including the final exam. Clicking on a class day below, you should find the class module for the day including lecture notes, assignments, and others. The instructor releases the content for a class generally on the Monday before the class. However, the instructor often makes update to the module content after the initial release. You should check this page often for up-to-date content.
In case you encounter a problem when viewing class content, such as, a broken link, please report it to the instructor immediately.
Topics: overview of class organization (syllabus); preparing programming environment (JRE and JDK); preparing for synchronous online lecturing (process, CUNY Blackboard, Class Portal Site); classes and data types; data fields (Instance and class variables); behavior (instance methods and class methods);
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Topics: constructors; default constructor; primitive types and reference types; accessing objects via reference variables; Java package concept; visibility modifiers; Java API classes -- Date, Random, Math, and Point2D;
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Individual Programming Project
Topics: accessing objects via reference variables; passing objects to methods; scope of variables; immutable objects; the this reference variable;
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Topics: class versus object; class abstraction and encapsulation; relationship among classes and objects (message passing, client-server, UML class and sequence diagrams); aggregation; copying objects; wrapper classes; immutable objects; String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer Classes; Java unit tests (on command line);
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Individual Programming Project
Topics: Inheritance; superclasses and subclasses (supertypes and subtypes); overriding and Overloading methods; constructors and default constructor; constructor chaining; polymorphism and polymorphism via inheritance;
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Individual Programming Project
Notice: No classes scheduled
Topics: Q & A for Midterm Exam; polymorphism and polymorphism via inheritance; dynamic binding and polymorphism; visibility modifier (public, protected, no visibility modifier); the final modifier and inheritance;
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Topics: The instructor will hold a midterm exam in class
Topics: ArrayList; Midterm recap.
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Individual Programming Project
Topics: ArrayList; design with exceptions; try-catch blocks; throwing exceptions; exception types (including checked vs unchecked); polymorphism and dynamic binding with exceptions; stack trace; defining custom exception types;
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Topics: exceptions and text file I/O;
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Topics: abstract class; abstract method; inheritance and abstract class; interface; interface and hieritance; interface and polymorphism; designing with class and interface; selected interfaces in Java API;
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Individual Programming Project
Topics: Recursion; Designing for mathematical recursive functions (e.g. divide, factorial, Fibonacci numbers); Designing for problem solving using recursion
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Topics: Java Collection API; list (ArrayList, LinkedList); stack; queue; set; map; iterator; enhanced for loop; sorting and searching;
Course Objectives
Lecture Notes
Topics: Java Map API. Q & A for Final Exam.
Lecture Notes
Topics: The final exam is scheduled at IH-2143, 6:00 -- 8:00 PM Wednesday, December 21, 2022