Spring 2025 (01/25/2025 - 05/22/2025)

The semester has 29 class meetings including the final exam. Clicking on a class day below, you should find the class module for the day including lecture notes, assignments, and others. The instructor releases the content for a class generally on the Monday before the class. However, the instructor often makes update to the module content after the initial release. You should check this page often for up-to-date content.

In case you encounter a problem when viewing class content, such as, a broken link, please report it to the instructor immediately.

Topics: data vs. information; concept of database; type of databases; importance of database design; database vs. files main component and main functions

Course Objectives

to understand broadly database concepts and database management software
to understand the database development process

Lecture Notes


Sections 1.1 - 1.8

Topics: data model; data modeling; entities and relationship; entity-relationship model

Course Objectives

to understand broadly database concepts and database management software
to understand the database development process

Lecture Notes


Chapters 2

Topics: identify entity relationship components; define and refine relationships between entities; create conceptual model using E-R diagrams

Course Objectives

to understand the relational model and relational database management system
to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams

Lecture Notes

Individual Assignment

Group Programming Project


Chapter 4

Topics: identify entity relationship components; define and refine relationships between entities; create conceptual model using E-R diagrams

Course Objectives

to understand the relational model and relational database management system
to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams

Lecture Notes

Individual Assignment

Group Programming Project


Chapter 4

Topics: attributes, schemas, tuples, domains, relation instance, keys of relations; database schema; defining a relation schema in SQL convert E-R model to relational database schema; convert entity sets to relations; convert relationships to relations; convert ISA hierarchies to relations

Course Objectives

to understand the database development process
to understand the relational model and relational database management system
to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams

Lecture Notes

Individual Assignment

Group Programming Project


Chapter 3

Topics: attributes, schemas, tuples, domains, relation instance, keys of relations; database schema; defining a relation schema in SQL convert E-R model to relational database schema; convert entity sets to relations; convert relationships to relations; convert ISA hierarchies to relations

Course Objectives

to understand the database development process
to understand the relational model and relational database management system
to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams

Lecture Notes

Individual Assignment

Group Programming Project


Chapter 3

Notice: Conversion day, classes follow Monday schedule

Topics: attributes, schemas, tuples, domains, relation instance, keys of relations; database schema; defining a relation schema in SQL convert E-R model to relational database schema; convert entity sets to relations; convert relationships to relations; convert ISA hierarchies to relations

Course Objectives

to understand the database development process
to understand the relational model and relational database management system
to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams

Lecture Notes

Individual Assignment

Group Programming Project


Chapter 3

Topics: defining relations in SQL; working with a DBMS

Course Objectives

to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams
to be able to design database schemas (or a logical model) based on the conceptual model
to be able to realize the database schemas (or the logical model) using a relational database management system (RDBMS) by writing SQL commands to create tables and indices
to be able to insert, update, delete, and query data from the database using SQL statements in the RDBMS

Lecture Notes

Individual Assignment

Group Programming Project


Sections 7.1 (SQL data types), 8.1 and 8.2 (Relation declaration), 8.3 (Altering Structures of Relation), 8.4 (Modifying Relations), Sections 3.4 (Relational Algebra)

Topics: defining relations in SQL; relational algebra; set operations on relations; projection; selection; cartesian product; natural joins; theta-joins; combining operations to form queries

Course Objectives

to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams
to be able to design database schemas (or a logical model) based on the conceptual model
to be able to realize the database schemas (or the logical model) using a relational database management system (RDBMS) by writing SQL commands to create tables and indices
to be able to insert, update, delete, and query data from the database using SQL statements in the RDBMS

Lecture Notes

Declaring Relations in SQL
Modifiying Relations in SQL
Relational Algebra on Sets
Relational Algebra on Bags
Simple Queries in Relational Algebra and in SQL
Products and Joins in Relational Algebra and in SQL

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Topics: defining relations in SQL; relational algebra; set operations on relations; projection; selection; cartesian product; natural joins; theta-joins; combining operations to form queries

Course Objectives

to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams
to be able to design database schemas (or a logical model) based on the conceptual model
to be able to realize the database schemas (or the logical model) using a relational database management system (RDBMS) by writing SQL commands to create tables and indices
to be able to insert, update, delete, and query data from the database using SQL statements in the RDBMS

Lecture Notes

Declaring Relations in SQL
Modifiying Relations in SQL
Relational Algebra on Sets
Relational Algebra on Bags
Simple Queries in Relational Algebra and in SQL
Products and Joins in Relational Algebra and in SQL

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Notice: Conversion day, classes follow Wednesday schedule

Topics: defining relations in SQL; relational algebra; set operations on relations; projection; selection; cartesian product; natural joins; theta-joins; combining operations to form queries

Course Objectives

to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams
to be able to design database schemas (or a logical model) based on the conceptual model
to be able to realize the database schemas (or the logical model) using a relational database management system (RDBMS) by writing SQL commands to create tables and indices
to be able to insert, update, delete, and query data from the database using SQL statements in the RDBMS

Lecture Notes

Declaring Relations in SQL
Modifiying Relations in SQL
Relational Algebra on Sets
Relational Algebra on Bags
Simple Queries in Relational Algebra and in SQL
Products and Joins in Relational Algebra and in SQL

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Topics: defining relations in SQL; relational algebra; set operations on relations; projection; selection; cartesian product; natural joins; theta-joins; combining operations to form queries

Course Objectives

to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams
to be able to design database schemas (or a logical model) based on the conceptual model
to be able to realize the database schemas (or the logical model) using a relational database management system (RDBMS) by writing SQL commands to create tables and indices
to be able to insert, update, delete, and query data from the database using SQL statements in the RDBMS

Lecture Notes

Declaring Relations in SQL
Modifiying Relations in SQL
Relational Algebra on Sets
Relational Algebra on Bags
Simple Queries in Relational Algebra and in SQL
Products and Joins in Relational Algebra and in SQL

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Topics: defining relations in SQL; relational algebra; set operations on relations; projection; selection; cartesian product; natural joins; theta-joins; combining operations to form queries

Course Objectives

to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams
to be able to design database schemas (or a logical model) based on the conceptual model
to be able to realize the database schemas (or the logical model) using a relational database management system (RDBMS) by writing SQL commands to create tables and indices
to be able to insert, update, delete, and query data from the database using SQL statements in the RDBMS

Lecture Notes

Declaring Relations in SQL
Modifiying Relations in SQL
Relational Algebra on Sets
Relational Algebra on Bags
Simple Queries in Relational Algebra and in SQL
Products and Joins in Relational Algebra and in SQL

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Topics: Q & A for Midterm Exam.

Lecture Notes

Midterm Review
Mock Midterm Exam


all chapters or sections discussed

Topics: The instructor will hold a midterm exam in class

Topics: Recap for data modeling, E-R modeling, relational models, relational databases, relational algebra and SQL

Course Objectives

to understand broadly database concepts and database management software
to understand the database development process
to understand the relational model and relational database management system
to be able to access an application's data requirements using conceptual modeling tools like E-R diagrams
to be able to design database schemas (or a logical model) based on the conceptual model
to be able to realize the database schemas (or the logical model) using a relational database management system (RDBMS) by writing SQL commands to create tables and indices
to be able to insert, update, delete, and query data from the database using SQL statements in the RDBMS

Lecture Notes

Midterm Recap

Topics: concept and role of normalization; normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, and 4NF) transformation; model evaluation using normalization; denormalization vs. normalization; using data-modeling checklist

Lecture Notes

Anomaly and Functional Dependency
Normalization and Normal Forms

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Chapter 6

Topics: concept and role of normalization; normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, and 4NF) transformation; model evaluation using normalization; denormalization vs. normalization; using data-modeling checklist

Lecture Notes

Anomaly and Functional Dependency
Normalization and Normal Forms

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Chapter 6

Topics: concept and role of normalization; normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, and 4NF) transformation; model evaluation using normalization; denormalization vs. normalization; using data-modeling checklist

Lecture Notes

Anomaly and Functional Dependency
Normalization and Normal Forms

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Chapter 6

Topics: concept and role of normalization; normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, and 4NF) transformation; model evaluation using normalization; denormalization vs. normalization; using data-modeling checklist

Lecture Notes

Anomaly and Functional Dependency
Normalization and Normal Forms

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Chapter 6

Notice: Spring Recess - No classes scheduled

Notice: Spring Recess - No classes scheduled

Topics: concept and role of normalization; normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, and 4NF) transformation; model evaluation using normalization; denormalization vs. normalization; using data-modeling checklist

Lecture Notes

Anomaly and Functional Dependency
Normalization and Normal Forms

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Chapter 6

Topics: ordering; eliminating duplicates; aggregate processing; grouping; subquery and table; self join and multiple-table join; database views; stored procedures via PL/SQL;

Lecture Notes

(Review) Declaring Relations in SQL
(Review) Modifiying Relations in SQL
(Review) Simple Queries in Relational Algebra and in SQL
(Review) Products and Joins in Relational Algebra and in SQL
More about Relational Database Operations - Part A
More about Relational Database Operations - Part B (subquery)
More about Relational Database Operations - Part C (Views)
More about Relational Database Operations - Part D (PSM)

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Topics: ordering; eliminating duplicates; aggregate processing; grouping; subquery and table; self join and multiple-table join; database views; stored procedures via PL/SQL;

Lecture Notes

(Review) Declaring Relations in SQL
(Review) Modifiying Relations in SQL
(Review) Simple Queries in Relational Algebra and in SQL
(Review) Products and Joins in Relational Algebra and in SQL
More about Relational Database Operations - Part A
More about Relational Database Operations - Part B (subquery)
More about Relational Database Operations - Part C (Views)
More about Relational Database Operations - Part D (PSM)

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Topics: ordering; eliminating duplicates; aggregate processing; grouping; subquery and table; self join and multiple-table join; database views; stored procedures via PL/SQL;

Lecture Notes

(Review) Declaring Relations in SQL
(Review) Modifiying Relations in SQL
(Review) Simple Queries in Relational Algebra and in SQL
(Review) Products and Joins in Relational Algebra and in SQL
More about Relational Database Operations - Part A
More about Relational Database Operations - Part B (subquery)
More about Relational Database Operations - Part C (Views)
More about Relational Database Operations - Part D (PSM)

Individual Assignment


Group Programming Project



Topics: selected advanced topcis (index; transaction; database connectivity)

Lecture Notes

Introduction to Database Index
Introduction to Database Transaction
Introduction to Database Programming Environment

Individual Assignment



Topics: Group project presentation and demonstration; Final review; Q & A for Final Exam

Lecture Notes

Final Review
Sample Final Exam


Topics: Group project presentation and demonstration; Final review; Q & A for Final Exam

Lecture Notes

Final Review
Sample Final Exam


Topics: Group project presentation and demonstration; Final review; Q & A for Final Exam

Lecture Notes

Final Review
Sample Final Exam


Topics: According to the College's schedule, the final exam is at Room 329 Ingersoll Externsion 8:00 - 10:00AM, Thursday, May 19, 2022.