• All dates are in the format of MM/DD where MM is the month and DD is the day.
  • Assignment descriptions are on CUNY Blackboard if not found in the lecture notes or on the class schedule page.
  • This list is periodically updated based on the progression of the class

Overview of Assignments by Type

Individual Assignments

  1. Quiz 1 (on Process Models): assigned and due on 02/15

  2. In-Class Exercise 1 (on Process Models): assigned and due on 02/10

  3. In-Class Exercise 2 (on Git): assigned and due on 02/15

  4. Experimenting with Git (on Git and Github): assigned and due on 02/21

  5. Android Starter App: assigned and due on 03/08

  6. In-Class Exercise 3 (on User Stories): assigned and due on 03/08

  7. In-Class Exericse 5 (on TDD) (Due: 11:59pm, Tuesday, April 5, 2022) : assigned and due on

  8. In-Class Exericse 4 (on Unit Test): assigned and due on 03/17

  9. In-Class Exericse 5 (on TDD): assigned and due on 04/05

  10. In-Class Exericse 6 (on Architectural Design) : assigned and due on 04/07

  11. In-Class Exericse 7 (on Objected-Oriented Design and UML) : assigned and due on 04/12

  12. In-Class Exericse 8 (on Service-Oriented Architecture) : assigned and due on 04/12

  13. In-Class Exericse 9 (on Observer Design Pattern): assigned and due on 05/03

  14. In-Class Exericse 10 (on Dependency Inversion Principle): assigned and due on 05/10

  15. In-Class Exericse 11 (on Implementation): assigned and due on 05/12

  16. In-Class Exericse 12 (on Debugging): assigned and due on 05/17

Group Project

  1. Team Project. Part 0. Forming Teams: assigned on 02/10 and due by 02/17

  2. Team Project. Part 1. Project Proposal: assigned on 02/17 and due by 03/03

  3. Team Project. Part 2. Requirements – User Stories and Storyboards: assigned on 03/08 and due by 03/15

  4. Team Project. Part 3. Iteration 1 – Using TDD: assigned on 03/29 and due by 04/12

  5. Team Project. Part 4. Iteration 2 – design pattern and lint: assigned on 04/28 and due by 11:59pm, May 12, 2022 (can be revised/improved by 11:59pm, May 17)


  1. Chapters 1, 2, and 3: assigned on 02/01

  2. Sections 4.1 - 4.4 and Chapter 5: assigned on 02/03

  3. Chapter 2 and Sections 11.1 and 11.5: assigned on 02/10

  4. Android tutorial (build your first app): assigned on 02/17

  5. Android tutorial by Lars Vogel: assigned on 02/17

  6. Chapter 6: assigned on 03/03

  7. Chapter 10: assigned on 03/10

  8. Chapter 10: assigned on 03/15

  9. Chapter 10, Section 9.3.4: assigned on 03/17

  10. all chapters and sections discussed: assigned on 03/22

  11. Sections 7.1 and 7.2: assigned on 03/29

  12. Sections 7.3 and 7.4 and Appendix C: assigned on 03/31

  13. Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Section 14.1: assigned on 04/05

  14. Chapter 7.3.4: assigned on 04/14

  15. Module 1 of Martin P. Robillard: assigned on 04/14

  16. Module 2 of Martin P. Robillard: assigned on 04/14

  17. Chapters 8, 9: assigned on 04/26

  18. Module 6 of Martin P. Robillard: assigned on 04/26

  19. Chapters 8, 9: assigned on 04/28

  20. Module 2 of Martin P. Robillard: assigned on 04/28

  21. Chapters 8, 9: assigned on 05/03

  22. Module 6 of Martin P. Robillard: assigned on 05/03

  23. Chapters 9 and 10: assigned on 05/05

  24. Chapters 9 and 10: assigned on 05/10

  25. Chapters 9 and 10: assigned on 05/12

  26. Relevant chapters in the textbook; lecture notes; all quizes; review guides and tests: assigned on 05/17

Overview of Assignments by Due Date

Due by 02/10

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 02/10

Due by 02/15

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 02/15

  2. Individual Assignment: assigned on 02/15

Due by 02/17

  1. Group project: assigned on 02/10

Due by 02/21

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 02/21

Due by 03/03

  1. Group project: assigned on 02/17

Due by 03/08

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/08

  2. Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/08

  3. Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/08

Due by 03/15

  1. Group project: assigned on 03/08

Due by 03/17

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/17

Due by 04/05

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 04/05

Due by 04/07

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 04/07

Due by 04/12

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 04/12

  2. Individual Assignment: assigned on 04/12

  3. Group project: assigned on 03/29

Due by 05/03

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 05/03

Due by 05/10

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 05/10

Due by 05/12

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 05/12

Due by 05/17

  1. Individual Assignment: assigned on 05/17

Due by 11:59pm, May 12, 2022 (can be revised/improved by 11:59pm, May 17)

  1. Group project: assigned on 04/28