• All dates are in the format of MM/DD where MM is the month and DD is the day.
  • Assignment descriptions are on CUNY Blackboard if not found in the lecture notes or on the class schedule page.
  • This list is periodically updated based on the progression of the class

Overview of Assignments by Type

CodeLab Assignments

  1. Completing Codelab Registration: assigned on and due by 10/01

  2. Codelab Lab 0 Warm-up and Lab 1: assigned on 08/31 and due by 09/09

  3. Codelab Lab 1: assigned on 09/09 and due by 09/16

  4. Codelab Lab 2: assigned on 09/09 and due by 09/21

  5. Codelab Lab 3: assigned on 09/14 and due by 09/28

  6. Codelab Lab 4: assigned on 09/14 and due by 10/05

  7. Codelab Lab 5: assigned on 10/05 and due by 10/12

  8. Codelab Lab 6: assigned on 10/05 and due by 10/19

  9. Codelab Lab 7: assigned on 11/02 and due by 11/09

  10. Codelab Lab 8: assigned on 11/02 and due by 11/16

  11. Codelab Lab 9: assigned on 11/04 and due by 11/23

  12. Codelab Lab 10: assigned on 11/04 and due by 11/30

  13. Codelab Lab 11: assigned on 11/16 and due by 12/07

  14. Codelab Lab 12: assigned on 11/16 and due by 12/07

  15. Codelab Lab 13: assigned on 11/16 and due by 12/14

  16. Codelab Lab 14: assigned on 11/16 and due by 12/14

Lab Exercises (Review/Journal Assignments)

  1. Preparing programing environment: assigned and due on 10/01

  2. Writing the “Hello, World” program: assigned and due on 10/01

  3. Computing area of a circle: assigned and due on 09/09

  4. Computing GPA of 2 courses (if time permits): assigned and due on 09/09

  5. Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit degree: assigned and due on 09/16

  6. (Optional) Computing Cylinder Surface Area and Volume: assigned and due on 09/16

  7. Displaying two digits after the decimal point: assigned and due on 09/16

  8. Practicing Journal Submission: assigned and due on 09/09

  9. Print HiFive or HiEven: assigned and due on 09/21

  10. Input radius and compute area of a circle with input validation: assigned and due on 09/21

  11. Sort 3 integers: assigned and due on 09/21

  12. Create subtraction quiz: assigned and due on 09/28

  13. Compute BMI (metric unit inputs): assigned and due on 09/28

  14. (Optional) Compute BMI (imperial unit inputs): assigned and due on 09/28

  15. Compute income taxes: assigned and due on 09/28

  16. Divisible by 2 numbers?: assigned and due on 09/28

  17. Designing Programs to Review the Methods and Constants in the Math Class: assigned and due on 10/05

  18. Computing Angles of a Triangle: assigned and due on 10/05

  19. Printing a string N times: assigned and due on 10/12

  20. The Addition Quiz: assigned and due on 10/12

  21. The Number Guessing Game: assigned and due on 10/14

  22. The MathTest application: assigned and due on 10/14

  23. Computing the Sum: assigned and due on 10/14

  24. Computing the Sum Revisited: assigned and due on 11/02

  25. Printing a multiplication table: assigned and due on 11/02

  26. Finding the Greatest Common Divisor: assigned and due on 11/02

  27. Predicting Future Tuition: assigned and due on 11/02

  28. Estimating π using Monte Caro Simulation: assigned and due on 11/02

  29. Guessing Number Problem Revisited: assigned and due on 11/04

  30. Checking Palindromes: assigned and due on 11/04

  31. Displaying Prime Numbers: assigned and due on 11/04

  32. Computing the sum of integers: assigned and due on 11/09

  33. The max method: assigned and due on 11/09

  34. Printing out letter grades: assigned and due on 11/09

  35. The increment method: assigned and due on 11/09

  36. Computing greatest common divisor: assigned and due on 11/16

  37. Converting hexadecimal to decimal: assigned and due on 11/16

  38. Fixing ambiguous method invocation error: assigned and due on 11/16

  39. Generating random characters: assigned and due on 11/18

  40. Compute Average and Standard Deviation: assigned and due on 12/09

  41. Deal Deck of Cards: assigned and due on 12/09

  42. Count Occurrences of Characters: assigned and due on 12/09

  43. Implement Linear Search: assigned and due on 12/09

  44. Implement Selection Sort: assigned and due on 12/09

  45. Implement Binary Search: assigned and due on 12/09

Individual Programming Projects

  1. (Individual) Project 1. GPA Calculator: assigned on 09/28 and due by 10/07

  2. (Individual) Project 2. GPA Calculator Enhanced: assigned on 11/02 and due by 11/11

  3. (Group) Project 4. Student Record Management App: assigned on 12/07 and due by 12/14

Group Programming Projects

  1. (Group) Project 3. Course App: assigned on 11/04 and due by 12/02


  1. Sections 1.1 - 1.7: assigned on 08/26

  2. Sections 1.1 - 1.10 of the textbook: assigned on 08/31

  3. Sections 2.1 - 2.8 of the textbook: assigned on 08/31

  4. Sections 3.1 - 3.5 of the textbook: assigned on 09/21

  5. Sections 4.1 - 4.2 of the textbook: assigned on 10/05

  6. Sections 4.3 - 4.4 of the textbook: assigned on 10/05

  7. Sections 4.5 - 4.6 of the textbook: assigned on 10/05

  8. Sections 5.1 - 5.2 of the textbook: assigned on 10/12

  9. Sections 5.3 - 5.5 of the textbook: assigned on 10/12

  10. Sections 5.6 - 5.8 and 5.10 of the textbook: assigned on 10/12

  11. Sections 5.9 - 5.11 of the textbook: assigned on 10/12

  12. Sections 5.12 - 5.14 of the textbook: assigned on 10/12

  13. all chapters discussed: assigned on 10/14

  14. Sections 6.1 - 6.4 of the textbook: assigned on 11/04

  15. Sections 6.5 - 6.6 of the textbook: assigned on 11/04

  16. Sections 6.7 - 6.9 of the textbook: assigned on 11/04

  17. Sections 6.10 - 6.11 of the textbook: assigned on 11/04

  18. Sections 7.1 - 7.2 of the textbook: assigned on 11/23

  19. Sections 7.3 - 7.5 of the textbook: assigned on 11/23

  20. Sections 7.6 - 7.9 of the textbook: assigned on 11/23

  21. Sections 7.10 - 7.11 of the textbook: assigned on 11/23

  22. Section 7.13 of the textbook: assigned on 11/23

  23. Relevant chapters in the textbook; lecture notes; all quizes; review guides and tests: assigned on 12/09

Overview of Assignments by Due Date

Due by 09/09

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 0 Warm-up and Lab 1: assigned on 08/31

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/09

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/09

  4. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/09

Due by 09/16

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 1: assigned on 09/09

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/16

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/16

  4. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/16

Due by 09/21

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 2: assigned on 09/09

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/21

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/21

  4. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/21

Due by 09/28

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 3: assigned on 09/14

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/28

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/28

  4. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/28

  5. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/28

  6. In-class Exercise: assigned on 09/28

Due by 10/01

  1. CodeLab Completing Codelab Registration: assigned on

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 10/01

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 10/01

Due by 10/05

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 4: assigned on 09/14

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 10/05

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 10/05

Due by 10/07

  1. Individual programming assignment: assigned on 09/28

Due by 10/12

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 5: assigned on 10/05

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 10/12

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 10/12

Due by 10/14

  1. In-class Exercise: assigned on 10/14

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 10/14

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 10/14

Due by 10/19

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 6: assigned on 10/05

Due by 11/02

  1. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/02

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/02

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/02

  4. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/02

  5. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/02

Due by 11/04

  1. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/04

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/04

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/04

Due by 11/09

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 7: assigned on 11/02

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/09

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/09

  4. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/09

  5. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/09

Due by 11/11

  1. Individual programming assignment: assigned on 11/02

Due by 11/16

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 8: assigned on 11/02

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/16

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/16

  4. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/16

Due by 11/18

  1. In-class Exercise: assigned on 11/18

Due by 11/23

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 9: assigned on 11/04

Due by 11/30

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 10: assigned on 11/04

Due by 12/02

  1. Group project: assigned on 11/04

Due by 12/07

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 11: assigned on 11/16

  2. CodeLab Codelab Lab 12: assigned on 11/16

Due by 12/09

  1. In-class Exercise: assigned on 12/09

  2. In-class Exercise: assigned on 12/09

  3. In-class Exercise: assigned on 12/09

  4. In-class Exercise: assigned on 12/09

  5. In-class Exercise: assigned on 12/09

  6. In-class Exercise: assigned on 12/09

Due by 12/14

  1. CodeLab Codelab Lab 13: assigned on 11/16

  2. CodeLab Codelab Lab 14: assigned on 11/16

  3. Individual programming assignment: assigned on 12/07