
This is about the address resolution problem, i.e., to provide mapping between an IP address to the corresponding link address. To understand the problem, we examine how we transmit and forward an IP network in an internetwork.

Address Resolution

The solution is simple. It is just to ask hosts to report their link addresses.

IPv4 Address Resolution

Observe the following,

  1. Do this,

      brooklyn@flatbush:~$ sudo scapy3
      >>> packets = sniff(prn=lambda p: p.summary(), filter='arp')
  2. Do this,

      brooklyn@flatbush:~$ sudo scapy3
      >>> packet = Ether(dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')/ARP(pdst='')
      >>> sendp(packet)
      Sent 1 packets.
  3. Observe this

      brooklyn@flatbush:~$ sudo scapy3
      >>> packets = sniff(prn=lambda p: p.summary(), filter='arp')
      Ether / ARP who has says
      Ether / ARP is at 08:00:27:08:0d:a1 says / Padding

Alternatively, we can use sr, the layer 3 sending and receiving function.

>>> ans,unans =  sr(packet)
Begin emission:
..*Finished sending 1 packets.

Received 3 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 0 packets
>>> ans.summary()
ARP who has says ==> ARP is at 08:00:27:08:0d:a1 says / Padding

We can also the layer 2 sending and receiving function.

>>> ans,unans = srp(packet, iface='enp0s9')
Begin emission:
*Finished sending 1 packets.

Received 1 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 0 packets

But, what about this,

>>> ans,unans = srp(packet)
Begin emission:
Finished sending 1 packets.

Exercises and Exploration

Complete the exercises in the above.