- All future dates are placeholder only and subject to change.
- For dates that are in the format of MM/DD, MM is the month and DD the day.
- Locate the assigment on the course schedule page by backing tracing from the due date.
Assignment Deadline
Setting up Development and Experiment Environment. assigned: [January 29, 2024] and due: [February 5, 2024]
Experimenting with Interrupts and I/O Schemes. assigned: [Feburary 5, 2024] and due: [Feburary 22, 2024]
FileCopy and Kernel Services. assigned: [February 22, 2024] and due: [February 26, 2024]
Project 1. Query Linux Process Information via /proc. assigned: [February 26, 2024] and due: [March 11, 2024]
Programming Problem 3.21. assigned: [February 26, 2024] and due: [March 11, 2024]
Experiment with Process and Thread. assigned: [March 4, 2024] and due: [March 11, 2024]
Miderm review and CPU scheduling. assigned: [March 11, 2024] and due: [March 18, 2024]
Project 2. Measuring Cost of Context Switch. assigned: [March 11, 2024] and due: [April 8, 2024]
Post-miderm review . assigned: [March 25, 2024] and due: [April 1, 2024]
Synchronization and Deadlocks . assigned: [April 8, 2024] and due: [April 29, 2024]
(Select One) Project 3. Systems Research Survey or Application Container. assigned: [April 8, 2024] and due: [May 6, 2024]
Main Memory. assigned: [April 15, 2024] and due: [April 29, 2024]