- All dates are in the format of MM/DD where MM is the month and DD is the day.
- Assignment descriptions are on CUNY Blackboard if not found in the lecture notes or on the class schedule page.
- This list is periodically updated based on the progression of the class
Overview of Assignments by Type
Individual Assignments
Creating E-R diagrams – Q1 and Q2: assigned and due on 02/14
Creating E-R diagrams – Q3: assigned and due on 02/17
Relational Model (Q4): assigned and due on 02/24
E-R Diagram to Relational Schemas (Q5): assigned and due on 03/01
Test Linux hosts and DBMS access: assigned and due on 03/01
Handling Weak Entity – Q6: assigned and due on 03/03
Handling ISA relationship – Q7: assigned and due on 03/03
Declaring Relations in SQL – Q8: assigned and due on 03/08
Modifying Relations in SQL – Q9: assigned and due on 03/10
Relational Algebra on Sets – Q10: assigned and due on 03/17
Relational Algebra on Sets – Q11: assigned and due on 03/22
Functional Dependencies (Q12): assigned and due on 04/12
Normal Form and Normalization (Q13): assigned and due on 04/14
Aggregation, Grouping, and Subquery – Q14: assigned and due on 03/05
Views, Index, and Transactions – Q15: assigned and due on 03/10
Group Project
Phase 1. Creating E-R Model: assigned on 02/15 and due by 02/24
Phase 2. Improving E-R Model in Group: assigned on 03/01 and due by 03/03
Phase 3. Designing and Implementing Relational Database Schema: assigned on 03/01 and due by 03/30
Phase 4. Revising the Database Design via Database Normalization and Denormalization: assigned on 03/31 and due by 04/26
Phase 5. Queries and Preparation for Project Demo: assigned on 04/26 and due by 05/10
Sections 1.1 - 1.8: assigned on 02/01
Chapters 2: assigned on 02/10
Chapter 4: assigned on 02/15
Chapter 3: assigned on 02/22
Sections 7.1 (SQL data types), 8.1 and 8.2 (Relation declaration), 8.3 (Altering Structures of Relation), 8.4 (Modifying Relations), Sections 3.4 (Relational Algebra) : assigned on 03/01
MariaDB Commands: assigned on 03/01
all chapters or sections discussed: assigned on 03/22
Chapter 6: assigned on 03/31
Sections 7.5, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.11; Sections 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7: assigned on 04/26
MariaDB Commands: assigned on 04/26
Sections 3.8, 8-2d; 10.1; 15.1: assigned on 05/05
Relevant chapters in the textbook; lecture notes; review guides and tests; project;: assigned on 05/10
Relevant chapters in the textbook; lecture notes; review guides and tests; project;: assigned on 05/12
Relevant chapters in the textbook; lecture notes; review guides and tests; project;: assigned on 05/17
Overview of Assignments by Due Date
Due by 02/14
- Individual Assignment: assigned on 02/14
Due by 02/17
- Individual Assignment: assigned on 02/17
Due by 02/24
Individual Assignment: assigned on 02/24
Group project: assigned on 02/15
Due by 03/01
Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/01
Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/01
Due by 03/03
Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/03
Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/03
Group project: assigned on 03/01
Due by 03/05
- Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/05
Due by 03/08
- Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/08
Due by 03/10
Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/10
Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/10
Due by 03/17
- Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/17
Due by 03/22
- Individual Assignment: assigned on 03/22
Due by 03/30
- Group project: assigned on 03/01
Due by 04/12
- Individual Assignment: assigned on 04/12
Due by 04/14
- Individual Assignment: assigned on 04/14
Due by 04/26
- Group project: assigned on 03/31
Due by 05/10
- Group project: assigned on 04/26