• All dates are in the format of MM/DD where MM is the month and DD is the day.
  • Assignment descriptions are on CUNY Blackboard if not found in the lecture notes or on the class schedule page.
  • This list is periodically updated based on the progression of the class

Overview of Assignments by Type

CodeLab Assignments

In-class Lab Exercises

  1. In-Class exercises on network performance metrics (in slides): assigned and due on 09/11

  2. In-Class exercises on encoding (in slides): assigned and due on 09/18

  3. In-Class exercises on framing and error detection (on character/bit stuffing and on two-dimensional parity, in slides): assigned and due on 09/18

  4. In-Class exercises on error detection (on CRC, in slides): assigned and due on 09/23

  5. In-Class exercises on reliable transmission (on stop-and-wait, in slides): assigned and due on 09/25

  6. In-Class exercises on packet switching approaches (in slides): assigned and due on 10/21

  7. In-Class exercises on packet switching approaches (in slides): assigned and due on 10/21

  8. In-Class exercises on Ethernet switching (in slides): assigned and due on 10/23

  9. In-Class exercises on Spanning Tree algorithm (in slides): assigned and due on 10/28

  10. In-Class exercises on Spanning Tree algorithm (in slides): assigned and due on 10/30

  11. In-Class exercises on IPv4 packet format (in slides): assigned and due on 11/04

  12. In-Class exercises on IP datagram forwarding (in slides): assigned and due on 11/06

  13. In-Class exercises on IP datagram forwarding (in slides): assigned and due on 11/11

  14. In-Class exercises on packet fragmentation, address translation, and host configuration (in slides): assigned and due on 11/13

  15. In-Class exercises on packet fragmentation, address translation, and host configuration (in slides): assigned and due on 11/13

  16. In-Class exercises on Intradomain routing (in slides): assigned and due on 12/02

  17. In-Class exercises on end-to-end protocols (in slides): assigned and due on 12/04

  18. In-Class exercises on end-to-end protocols (in slides): assigned and due on 12/09

  19. In-Class exercises on application layer protocols(in slides): assigned and due on 12/11

Individual Programming Projects

  1. Homework exercises: set up programming and experiment environment and run the example Python programs (complete experiments 1 - 3 and exercises 1 - 3, submit work on Blackboard): assigned on 09/09 and due by 09/16

  2. Homework exercises: experimenting with Ethernet and writing Ethernet sending/receiving programs using ScaPy (complete all experiments and exerices, submit work on Blackboard): assigned on 10/08 and due by 10/15

  3. Homework exercises: experimenting and programming with internetworking using ScaPy and Socket (complete all experiments and exerices, submit work on Blackboard): assigned on 11/25 and due by 12/04

  4. Homework exercises: exeperimenting and programming with transport layer protocols: assigned on 12/16 and due by 12/16


  1. Sections 1.1 - 1.2 of the textbook: assigned on 08/28

  2. Sections 1.3 - 1.5 of the textbook: assigned on 09/04

  3. Sections 1.3 - 1.5 of the textbook: assigned on 09/09

  4. Section 1.6 of the textbook: assigned on 09/11

  5. Section 2.1 - 2.4 of the textbook: assigned on 09/16

  6. Section 2.5 of the textbook: assigned on 09/18

  7. Section 2.4 of the textbook: assigned on 09/23

  8. Section 2.5 of the textbook: assigned on 09/25

  9. Sliding Window protocol animation: assigned on 09/25

  10. Section 2.6 of the textbook: assigned on 09/30

  11. Chapter 2 of the reference book: assigned on 09/30

  12. Section 2.6 of the textbook: assigned on 10/07

  13. Chapter 2 of the reference book: assigned on 10/07

  14. Section 2.6 of the textbook: assigned on 10/09

  15. Example programs: assigned on 10/09

  16. Section 3.1 of the textbook: assigned on 10/15

  17. Section 3.1 of the textbook: assigned on 10/21

  18. Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the textbook: assigned on 10/23

  19. Section 3.2 of the textbook: assigned on 10/28

  20. Section 3.2 of the textbook: assigned on 10/30

  21. Section 3.3 of the textbook: assigned on 11/04

  22. Section 3.3 of the textbook: assigned on 11/06

  23. Section 3.3 of the textbook: assigned on 11/11

  24. Section 3.3 of the textbook: assigned on 11/13

  25. Section 3.3 of the textbook: assigned on 11/18

  26. Section 4.2 of the textbook: assigned on 11/20

  27. Section 4.1 of the textbook: assigned on 11/25

  28. Section 4.2 of the textbook: assigned on 11/25

  29. Section 3.4 of the textbook: assigned on 12/02

  30. Section 5.0 of the textbook: assigned on 12/04

  31. Section 5.1 of the textbook: assigned on 12/04

  32. Section 5.2 of the textbook: assigned on 12/09

  33. Section 9.1 of the textbook: assigned on 12/11

  34. Section 9.3 of the textbook: assigned on 12/11

Overview of Assignments by Due Date

Due by 09/11

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 09/11

Due by 09/16

  1. Individual programming assignment: assigned on 09/09

Due by 09/18

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 09/18

  2. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 09/18

Due by 09/23

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 09/23

Due by 09/25

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 09/25

Due by 10/15

  1. Individual programming assignment: assigned on 10/08

Due by 10/21

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 10/21

  2. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 10/21

Due by 10/23

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 10/23

Due by 10/28

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 10/28

Due by 10/30

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 10/30

Due by 11/04

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 11/04

Due by 11/06

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 11/06

Due by 11/11

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 11/11

Due by 11/13

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 11/13

  2. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 11/13

Due by 12/02

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 12/02

Due by 12/04

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 12/04

  2. Individual programming assignment: assigned on 11/25

Due by 12/09

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 12/09

Due by 12/11

  1. In-class Lab Exercise: assigned on 12/11

Due by 12/16

  1. Individual programming assignment: assigned on 12/16